thor and rocket conversation

During the epic third act battle against Thanos' forces, Thor, Rocket, and Groot make an absolutely badass entrance to turn the tide of the battle. We also know that Thor carried a lot of guilt on his shoulders for not killing Thanos, which is why we see him struggle and deal with depression during a good chunk of this movie. I ask you to what end? : The last launch of a direct derivative of the Thor missile occurred in 2018 as the first stage of the final Delta II . She's certainly a candidate for the throne, since she's both a trusted advisor to T'Challa and someone whose sway in the kingdom clearly carries some weight. : Eitri [Groot impales several Outriders with his arm]. [as Thanos strangles him to death] : The only way I could sneak it offCotraccia (sp), is up my hey were here. Banner: [after hearing Vision turned off his tracker] What, Tony, you lost another superbot? Thanos: I do. : The sparks that fly often result in some of the funniest moments of the films and Infinity War is filled with big personalities and egos that are bouncing off of each other for the first time. My father killed my mother. Ironman/Stark: Lets do it. Quill: Yeah, tall guy, not that good-looking, needed saving. Rocket handles the Stone extraction while Thor gets to have that one final chat with his mother that he's always wanted, but the scene ends with a moment that probably surprised most audience members. It's only fitting then that Cap would pass his shield along in the same fashion in the MCU. NO! Okoye: Then it will be the noblest ending in history. Everything about this is just so damn funny. Thanos is coming, it doesnt matter who youre talking to or not. That's what killing you means. : Thor [Loki reveals the Tesseract in his hands]. Shhh. In the Marvel comics (specifically Ultimates #5), there's a flow of time that allows events to have "weight" that drags and affects both the future and the past. Its been a while. Thor No resurrections this time. | But there's another solid contender as well: M'Baku, the leader of the Mountain Tribe, and one of the major contenders for the throne in Black Panther. : Spider-man: Mr. Stark, I dont feel so good. You really are the worst brother. Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..L to R: MBaku (Winston Duke), Okoye (Danai Gurira), Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) and Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. However, raccoons climb trees for safety, and thus do not typically live in deserts like the one the God of Thunder found himself in. - August 4, 2018 04:19 pm EDT. Will talk for hours about sports analytics, a huge fan of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel and DC, and a committed Mike Myers' Cat in the Hat apologist. Thanos: [ to Loki] The Tesseract or your brothers head? It's frightening. Cap was proud of his one-time sidekick, but the only person he's actively passed on the shield to has always been Sam Wilson. Drax is especially fascinated with Thor, calling him a "man" compared to Quill being just a "guy." Really, tears? : Yes. What's it look like? Gamora: [ to Quill] I love you, more than you will ever know. Eitri Black Panther: You might want to pick up the pace. Banner: No, not really, but when do I ever get what I want? Thanos approaches Heimdall]. : This joke actually comes at a really serious moment in the movie, but I still couldn't help but chuckle. The Thor missile force was withdrawn in 1963. He has never fought me twice. It's a synthesis of a few different stories in the Marvel Universe. Thor Thor rocket | rocket | Britannica Groot: [ in a sarcastic, sassy tone]I am Groot. I am. And I was always so disappointed. He came here to steal a necklace from a Wizard. Rocket, ever the savage, tells him, "You know you can't eat dumbells, right Quill? : Thanos: Im the only one who knows that. When Thor and Rocket go back to Asgard during the events of Thor: The Dark World, they're there for one reason only: to get the Reality Stone from Jane's body and return to the present. agent go off the deep end after his family was murdered. Thor tries to attack Thanos, but Thanos slaps him back. It needs correcting. And what if you're wrong? Strange] I gotta tell you, hes not really my friend. And for another we have a Hulk. | Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine. : When Thor and Rocket go back to Asgard during the events of Thor: The Dark World, they're there for one reason only: to get the Reality Stone from Jane's body and return to the present.. Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir? If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. Loki I assume you're the captain, sir. This moment reeks of James Gunn, who actually did contribute dialogue to the movie. asks Spider-Man (who was on point with his pop culture references). [Inside the Milano, Thor's on a table with the Guardian surrounding him and Peter says to Mantis] Loki Harley could be a future Iron Kid. Who the hell are you guys? Strange: [ to Quill] Alright, let me ask you this one time. So Im good to go. "That's something that we tried to do with Captain America throughout our run with him, so to have Thor in a similar place and to be able to find what's left when you take everything away from Thor, it's a great journey for us as storytellers.". Ironman/Stark: [ to the guardians] We gotta collesque. If you were confused when our second look at Clint Barton in Endgame involved him stabbing Yakuza with a weird-looking sword, you're not alone. If so, you don't need to worry. Looks like you've copied my beard. You're going to die for that. Stark: And due to that fact, were now in a flying donut, billions of miles from Earth with no back-up. "I am Groot," says Groot, while empaling three Outriders on his arm. He lost father Odin, friends the Warriors Three, and ultimately his home of Asgard, obliterated in the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. I snuck into his room later that night and stole his eye. Tony's nanomachines let him control his suit with a thought, and that extends to the Gauntlet that he built. : Right before Rocket tells them they better not get sick on his ship, Captain Marvel turns her head and chuckles. Gamora: [ to Quill] Not him. Rocket: Oh, I would have washed that. He then lands a blow to Hulk's neck, causing him to cry out in pain. : During the epic third act battle against Thanos' forces, Thor, Rocket, and Groot make an absolutely badass entrance to turn the tide of the battle. Eitri : You will never be a god. Thanos Stark: If Thanos needs all six, what dont we just stick this one down the garbage disposal? Mr. Secretary: You guys got a lot of nerve. Unlike her sister, Gamora, Nebula was outfitted with a series of cybernetic implants by her abusive father Thanos in order to make up for her lack of expert fighting prowess. And for us as storytellers, it's a wonderful place to take a character when you strip everything away," added director Anthony Russo. : Drax saying that he can take Iron Man's blast straight to the face and everyone telling him he can't; Doctor Strange asking what master Quill serves ("What am I supposed to say? A handsome, muscular man. : From time-travel hijinks to that explosive moment with Mjolnir, there's a lot of moments that probably left you scratching your head in confusion even while you were cheering. Why Thor Was Teamed With Rocket Raccoon in 'Avengers - Marvel He was still struggling with his ego and finding a place in the world after being awoken from his time in the ice. : Thor: [ to Thanos for killing Heimdall] Youre going to die for that. Thanos: Shes asked, hasnt she? The Maw: Stonekeeper, does this chattering animal speak for you? Thor Bruce Banner Thor, Rocket, and Groot become quite the trio in "Avengers: Infinity War." After being rescued from floating aimlessly in space by the Guardians, Thor takes their pod (with Rocket and Groot) to . Adopting the new identity of Ronin, he went around "punishing" criminals that he believed didn't deserve to live in a post-snap world when his family didn't make the cut. Well, I could lose a lot. Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - Chris Hemsworth as Thor - IMDb Quill: Groot put that thing away, now. Rocket: Okay, time to be the Captain. Thor : While this doesn't directly address whether rabbits exist on Asgard . Then I had to kill my father. Okay that didnt really make sense, but you know what Im trying to say. Come Infinity War, Thor is helpless as he bares witness to the murders of dear friend Heimdall and step-brother Loki at the hands of Thanos, before the Infinity Stone-seeking warlord annihilates the spaceship transporting Asgardian refugees. I am Groot. Thanos clutches Gamora and Quill leaps out to save her. You really are the worst, brother. As you fought by my side, daughter. I assume you have a preference. I assure you, brother the sun will shine on us again. It is the sequel to 2012'sThe Avengersand 2015'sAvengers: Age of Ultron, andthe nineteenth filmin theMarvel Cinematic Universe(MCU). Why Thor Really Calls Rocket Raccoon A Rabbit - ScreenRant Steve and Thor finally reunite, and Thor introduces Steve to his new friend, a tree. Thor When he meets the Guardians, he instantly connects with Rocket. The Tesseract? Stark: Hes from space. In The Art of Avengers: Infinity War book ( which you can purchase right here ), a piece of concept art shows shows Thor and Rocket teaming up in an epic battle with a pair of gigantic serpents . Strange: Are you seriously leaning on a Cauldron of the Cosmos? This Worthey Life - Food, Entertaining, Travel Lifestyle Blog, By: T WortheyUpdated: January 20, 2023 View our disclosure policy. Or your brother's head? Peter Quill You tap into the system, and it's obvious that you've tapped into the system. While trying to grab the scepter and the Tesseract, Iron Man and Ant-Man accidentally let Loki get away with the Tesseract. Thor : BRING ME THANOS! Even though the 2012 version of The Ancient One hasn't met Dr. Stark: Admit it, you should have ducked out when I told you to. Thor may have had an understandable reason rooted in history for identifying Rocket as a rabbit in Avengers: Infinity War. Then she returned home and stabbed me in the eye. I bid you farewell and good luck, morons. Were more optimistic, yes. To feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail, nonetheless. Where'd he go? You really are the worst brother!

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