the passage primarily suggests that

Choice D is incorrect. Math Test - No Calculator 25 MINUTES 20 QUESTIONS 4. The doctor sounds irritable, critical, sharp-tempered. Lady Bertrams fluttered or discomposed state on his arrival indicates her surprise. Choice C is incorrect. (30)Protestant ascendancy. The religious magazines onher table furnished her not with food for meditationbut with fresh pretexts for anger; articles attackingbirth control, divorce, mixed marriages, Darwin,and secular education were her favorite reading. 3. to me") emphasize the speaker's sense that her. There is no evidence in the passage that Dr. Stanhope feels regret or remorse. My grandmother was one ofthose powerful women who know that they standbetween their families and an outside world filled, (85)with temptations to failure and shame. The author absolutely dismisses the teachers claim. 1. This chapter begins with basic advice about the SAT critical reading sections. Then a sabbatical leave in Africa again. The passage suggests that Sir Thomass suddenarrival, (A) was motivated by concern for his wife, (C) was timed by him to coincide with a family reunion, 13. (C)The peripheral furrows ordeepsare discussed in lines 1325. English College answered expert verified The passage primarily suggests that:_______. What does this mean? Valentin would probablynotagree with Statement III. 13. (40)was not conscious of them. The horror of pregnancyin an unmarried girl is difficult, perhaps, to recapturenow. 10. Line 43 states there is much evidence of humor in Eskimo art. If you cannot find a topic sentence, ask yourself these questions: 2. (B)The opening lines indicate that the narrator isreflecting on his feelings. It can be inferred from lines 14 that the largest ocean is the, 12. 16. Youve just read the first passage. If you are stumped by a tough reading question, do not give up and skip all the other questions on that passage. Similarly, a well-rehearsed pianist can perform a concerto without worrying too much about the notes. Key Terms in Questions on Specific Details, artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful, differing from another; tending to move apart, to shift continually; to vary irregularly, based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed, firmly established by nature or habit; built-in; inborn, novel; introducing a change; ahead of the times, observable fact or occurrence; subject of scientific investigation, to make impossible; to keep from happening. We can see, and even feel with ourhands, the cold sleekness of seals, the hulking weightof walrus, the icy swiftness of trout, the flowingrhythm in a flight of geese. (60)on or the water turned on in her basins, for no reasonat all except pure officiousness; she even grudgedthe mailman his daily promenade up her sidewalk.Her home was a center of power, and she would notallow it to be derogated by easy or democratic usage. Unlike Dawson, he cannot comfort himself with the illusion that things are going well. (C)Look at the sentences following this phrase. (45)only 1150 feet; and Asia, the highest of the largercontinental subdivisions, averages 3200 feet. 13. Choice C is incorrect. To find the answer to such specific, narrowly-focused questions, you dont need to read the entire passage. The correct answer is choice E. Look at the words in the immediate vicinity of the word you are defining. Remember that the questions following each reading passage arenotarranged in order of difficulty. Choice A is incorrect. (40)time; but I am glad to know that I never breatheda murmur to Joe while my indentures lasted. Often detail questions ask about a particular phrase or line. (20)It is quite probable, as McWilliams asserts, thatwith the exception of the capital required toexpand the industry, there seems to have beennothing the American rancher or cowboy contributedto the development of cattle-raising in the, Other contributions of the Mexican cowboywere: the western-style saddle with a large, ornatehorn;chaparejos, or chaps;lazo, lasso;la reata,lariat; the cinch; the halter; themecate, or horsehair, (30)rope; chin strap for the hat; feed bag for thehorse; ten-gallon hat (which comes from amistranslation of a Spanish phrase su sombrerogaloneado that really meant a festooned orgalooned hat). With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree? You will be so involved in trying to spot the places that they occur in the passage that youll be unable to concentrate on comprehending the passage as a whole. In line 10, plastic most nearly means, 9. Then Ginger Mooney liftedher mug of tea and proposed Marias health whileall the other women clattered with their mugs on. (E)The first paragraph tells of the adoption of Mexican methods of handling animals, and the second speaks of Mexican contributions to riding equipment. Given Marias relatively menial position, it is unlikely she and the matron would be close or intimate friends. 9. When Dealing with Double Passages, Tackle Them One at a Time. They mean that it is a false statement, a fabrication, a story someone made up. Theindividuals power to dominate, on stage or field invests the whole arena aroundthe locus of performance with his or her power. In other words, freedom depends onthe internalizationof what they have learned. In Tackling theShortReading Passages, Try this Approach:First Read a Question; Then Read the Passage. Students often ask whether it is better to read the passage first or the questions first. 10. Writing and Language Test 35 MINUTES 44 QUESTIONS 3. (Inference questions and questions involving the word EXCEPT are particularly time-consuming.) Thus, you can expect minority group members to be portrayed in SAT reading passages in a favorable light. When Asked to Make Inferences, Base Your Answers on What the Passage Implies, Not What It States Directly. It takes less time to locate a line number than to spot a word or phrase. (A) Assertion followed by supporting evidence, (B) Challenge followed by debate pro and con, (D) Specific instance followed by generalizations, (E) Objective reporting followed by personal reminiscences. 3. (30)that his carving became what Boas calls motoraction. He carved automatically and instinctively. In other words,she discouraged her daughters independence. Use the line references in the questions to be sure youve gone back to the correct spot in the passage. Be extra cautious when you scan for key words: they may be eyecatchers. I had believed in thebest parlor as a most elegant salon; I had believedin the front door as a mysterious portal of the Temple. 8. Sure, my dear Sir Thomas, a basin of soup would be a much better thing for you than tea. Certain words come up again and again in questions on a passages purpose or main idea. (C) The content of a work of art is insignificant. (A)The common factor in both grandmothers lives is their need togovern the actions of others. Specific DetailsQuestions that test your ability to understand what the author states explicitly are often worded:According to the authorThe author states all of the following EXCEPTAccording to the passage, which of the following is true of theAccording to the passage, the chief characteristic of the subject isWhich of the following statements is (are) best supported by the passage?Which of the following is NOT cited in the passage as evidence of. The author is primarily concerned with, (A) showing how Eskimo carvings achieve their effects, (B) describing how Eskimo artists resist the influence of outsiders, (C) discussing the significant characteristics of Eskimo art, (D) explaining how Eskimo carvers use their strength to manipulate hard materials, (E) interpreting the symbolism of Eskimo art, 2. When asked to give the meaning of an unfamiliar word, look for nearby context clues. The author of Passage 2 would most likely react to the characterization of DiMaggio presented in lines 2832 by pointing out that DiMaggio probably, (A) felt some resentment of the spectator whose good opinion he supposedly sought, (B) never achieved the degree of self-knowledge that would have transformed him, (C) was unaware that his audience was surveying his weak points, (D) was a purely instinctive natural athlete. He respects family relationships, for he has agreed to his mothers request to show the cousin around. What is the author trying to get across about this aspect of the subject? The position of the deeps near the continentalmasses suggests that the deeps, like the highestmountains, are of recent origin, since otherwisethey would have been filled with waste from the, (20)lands. Her husbandtreated her kindly. Choice B is incorrect. What should I care for their beauty?Its a bore, and, worse still, its a reproach. The young Frenchmangreeted him with ardor, and assured him that he wasa godsend. Answer: "Even though I was a merchant, I was tempted to switch professions." Explanation: Advertisement ahamirrormirroronthe Answer: The first person point of veiw is the primary source, so therefore, "Even though I was a merchant, I was tempted to switch professions." Is your answer. (A) Formal training may often destroy an artists originality. Is the author using adjectives to describe the subject? Choice E is incorrect. This suggestion is strengthened by the factthat the deeps are frequently the sites of world-shakingearthquakes. (10)of State whose solemn opening was attended witha sacrifice of roast fowls; I had believed in thekitchen as a chaste though not magnificentapartment; I had believed in the forge as the glowingroad to manhood. I feel as if I were at somebig, dull party, in a room full of people I shouldntwish to speak to. If you read the questions first, when you turn to the passage you will have a number of question words and phrases dancing around in your head. In line 7 (Yesborrowed), the author does which of the following? Inference questions require you to use your own judgment. Finally, TACTIC 15 shows you how to deal with the long paired passages youll face in one of the SATs three critical reading sections. 15. They could hardly have done less., There are some cases of fever, said the doctor, but most are just exhaustion the worst disease. Mrs. Norris was by no means to be compared in, (40)happiness to her sister. How could he indeed, when. (A)Stengels sarcastic comments about the mistakes DiMaggiodoesntmake indicate just how dumb he thinks it is to look down at the ground when you should have your attention on the outfielder and the ball. The authors attitude toward Eskimo art is one of. There are twoor three here that ought to keep you in spirits., Oh, today, answered Valentin, I am not in amood for pictures, and the more beautiful they are, (20)the less I like them. The continents stand on the average 2870 feetslightly more than half a mileabove sea level.North America averages 2300 feet; Europe averages. Lines 27-28 ("Their . (35)entire walls and often doors as well. The way to security was marriage; the, (90)dread that stood in the way of this was sexualdalliance, above all pregnancy. (e in b)&&0=b[e].o&&a.height>=b[e].m)&&(b[e]={rw:a.width,rh:a.height,ow:a.naturalWidth,oh:a.naturalHeight})}return b}var C="";u("pagespeed.CriticalImages.getBeaconData",function(){return C});u("pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run",function(b,c,a,d,e,f){var r=new y(b,c,a,e,f);x=r;d&&w(function(){window.setTimeout(function(){A(r)},0)})});})();pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run('/mod_pagespeed_beacon','','2L-ZMDIrHf',true,false,'qQefNfKwn4A'); Wediscover subtle living forms of the animal, human,and mystical world. The matron had given her leave to go out assoon as the womens tea was over and Maria lookedforward to her evening out. (E)Mrs. Norris has looked forward to spreading the news of Sir Thomass return (or of his death!). (50)the defence of her furniture and her house againstthe imagined encroachments of visitors. This preview shows page 6 - 8 out of 10 pages. 5. Statements I and II are incorrect. Choice B is incorrect for much the same reason. The question in the second paragraph (lines 13-17) primarily serves to. We can infer from the opening paragraph that Sir Thomas is customarily, 12. Techniquein itself is meaningless unless it serves toexpress content. Reading Test 65 MINUTES 52 QUESTIONS 2. To have shaken whatremained of his Church of England faith would havegratified her much; but the idea of his abandoninghis preferment in the church had never once presenteditself to her mind. Throughout the passage, the author discusses geological phenomena. McCarthys grandmother tyrannized everyone from the mailman to her daughters and daughters-in-law; Heilbruns grandmother ruled the household with an arm of iron, governing her daughters lives. By not one of the circle was he listened to with such unbroken unalloyed enjoyment as by his wife, (20)whose feelings were so warmed by his sudden arrival, as to place her nearer agitation than she had been for the last twenty years. As you read each question, be on the lookout for key words, either in the question itself or among the answer choices. Often the test-writers deliberately insert key words from the passage intoincorrectanswer choices, hoping to tempt careless readers into making a bad choice. Some of the. 4. Who or what is the author talking about? Fortunately, the lines are numbered, and the questions often refer you to specific lines in the passage by number. Choice A is incorrect. (A) The . When the cook told her everything was ready, (25)she went into the womens room and began to pullthe big bell. river, he increasingly fears and mistrusts 1t (C) as the speaker becomes more familiar with the river, his attitude toward it becomes more practical (D) when the speaker . How does this affect the sort of tone and attitude questions the SAT-makers ask? (D)In lines 40 and 41, the narrator manages to say something good about his youthful self: I am glad to know I never breathed a murmur to Joe. He gives himself credit forconcealing his despondency. The passage mentions recognition given to Jones only in passing. Heres the sentence in which the nameAlain Lockeappears: it was not until the early 1940s, after she met the Black aesthetician Alain Locke, that she began to paint works likeMob Victim, which explicitly dealt with her own background as a Black American. Locke is described as a Black aesthetician. The passage does not illustrate the evils of egotism. Too strong: Be wary of extreme words like always and never. The passage suggests that Choice B is characteristic of Maria. 11. The passage suggests that Charlotte possesses all of the following characteristics EXCEPT. 17. It was in Paris that she first felt free to paint. Look at the sentence the question refers to. Not thatshewas incommoded by many fears of Sir Thomass disapprobation when the present state of his house should be known, for her judgment had been so blinded, that she could hardly be said to show any sign of alarm; but she, (45)was vexed by themannerof his return. The doctor is deprecating or belittling what the French have done for the sufferers from the boats, the people who are dying from the exhaustion of their forty-day journey. What is a Huguenot? These arctic carvings are notthe cold sculptures of a frozen world. All that was done in the, (10)house, and was not done by servants, was done byher. There is no debate for and against the authors thesis or point about Jones; the only details given support that point. Choice C is incorrect. (E)In the final paragraph, the author describes DiMaggio pushing himself to play hard despite his injuries. (D)McCarthy sees as little point in speculating about her grandmothers childhood as she does in wondering about the toilet-training of a fictional character like Lady Macbeth. Thecarvers are also butchers of meat, and thereforemasters in the understanding of animal anatomy.Flesh and bones and sheaths of muscle seem to move, (30)in their works. (B)Valentin shows what a bad mood he is in bymaking insulting commentsabout his cousins poor taste in clothes, huge feet, and lack of punctuality. Nextread Passage 2; then answer all the questions based on Passage 2. Now look at the passage. Choice D is incorrect. That is one of myennuis. In acknowledging this, she ismaking a concession, conceding that the teachers had some slight evidence supporting their claim. It is hard to concentrate when you read about something that is wholly unfamiliar to you. The passage as a whole is best described as, (A) an analysis of the reasons behind a change in attitude, (B) an account of a young mans reflections on his emotional state, (C) a description of a young mans awakening to the harsh conditions of working class life, (D) a defense of a young mans longings for romance and glamour, (E) a criticism of young peoples ingratitude to their elders, 2. ) Look at the sentences following this phrase answer to such specific, narrowly-focused,! Choices, hoping to tempt careless readers into making a bad choice whileall the other women with... Pregnancyin an unmarried girl is difficult, perhaps, to recapturenow questions to portrayed! To spreading the news of Sir Thomass return ( or of his death! ) other! Norris has looked forward to spreading the news of Sir Thomass return or! To spot a word or phrase B ) the peripheral furrows ordeepsare discussed in lines 1325 remember that narrator... Sure, my dear Sir Thomas, a fabrication, a fabrication a! 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